Joseph and Victoria Silvestri learned in the fifth month of their pregnancy that their son Gavin would be different.
Through frequent consultations with specialists, they were prepared for the birth of an unusual baby.
Gavin was born on February 1, 2018. At 46 centimeters tall, he weighed just over 3 pounds, which is completely normal. Only the baby’s face was enormous.
This peculiarity caught the attention of journalists, and several major media outlets wrote about the unusual child.
The boy’s popularity grew quickly, and thousands of people began to subscribe to his page on social networks (which his parents set up).
Many of them not only followed Gavin’s life, but also offered to help.
Immediately after birth, the baby was prescribed numerous medical procedures to determine the cause of the peculiarity and prevent further facial enlargement.
It turned out that Gavin’s face was enlarged due to a lymphatic abnormality. And it would take quite a long time to normalize his size…
The boy is now four years old. He is developing into a very bright and hardworking child.
He recently started preschool, where he is making great progress and is being praised by his teachers.
The child’s face is still larger than normal, but gradually it becomes normal.
One day Gavin will have to let go of his specialness and become a “normal kid.”
And his parents are doing everything they can to bring that day closer.
And the way he was as a child is how he will remain in the future.