The boy further claims that he has a twin in his class at school. When he showed the photo at home, his mother started crying. Here’s why…
One day, a boy came home from school and pretended that his twin was in the same class as him.
He insisted, but his mother didn’t believe him. One day, the little boy showed her a photo of himself with her.
And the woman couldn’t stop crying.
The nursery school where Miles, a 5-year-old boy, attends, has decided to organize a twin day.
In America, there are usually theme days where students are asked to dress in a certain way.
For this occasion, children must choose a partner and dress the same. Miles had no doubts about who to choose because he was convinced that Tanner was truly his twin.
Miles’ mother Brittney knew that her kindergarten-aged son really liked a boy named Tanner, but she had never met him in person.
She had no idea what he looked like. All she knew was that her son thought he was her twin.
“He said they were the same. That they both had brown eyes and black hair. He was convinced they were twins. So on Twins Day, Brittney sewed identical clothes for both boys.
The children were visibly happy to wear matching shirts. But when the preschool sent parents photos of the couples that had formed, Britney couldn’t hold back her tears when she saw Miles and Tanner, two perfect twins.
Miles and Tanner are different, but their eyes are the same, like twins.
Mom said she was crying because little ones know how to surprise us. Maybe it was better for them to rule the world
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