What became of the fate of the sisters who were called the most beautiful twins in the world?


All children are beautiful, and all mothers rejoice in looking at them, genuinely considering them the most beautiful in the world. And while the majority of parents find satisfaction in simply acknowledging this, for some, it becomes essential to convince the world of it and build a business around it. For example, Leah and Ava Clements “built” their careers from scratch to worldwide popularity in just one year.

Как восстановилась судьба сестёра, которого в мире называли стойкими красивыми близняшками

The girls began their modeling careers when they were 7 years old. People have varied opinions about children in the modeling industry. Some criticize that child models don’t have a normal childhood, while others argue that such a childhood is something to dream about. There are many pros and cons, but the reality is that, for the most part, parents shape the entire career for their children, successfully (or not always successfully) monetizing their appearance.

Как восстановилась судьба сестёра, которого в мире называли стойкими красивыми близняшками

So, the career of twins Ava and Leah Clements (Leah Rose, Ava Marie Clements) was initially the idea of their mother. Jackie Clements shares that she first signed a contract with a modeling agency when the girls were not even a year old. However, juggling the care of three small children (the twins have an older brother) and constant travel for photo shoots and various business meetings was too exhausting at that time. Jackie made another attempt when the girls were 7 years old. “It’s my favorite number, and the girls were born on July 7th,” says the mother about her decision. She suggested that the twins diversify their interests and, in addition to swimming and dancing, try their hand at the modeling business, an idea that the girls loved.

Как восстановилась судьба сестёра, которого в мире называли стойкими красивыми близняшками

Как восстановилась судьба сестёра, которого в мире называли стойкими красивыми близняшками

From this point, everything changed. While some parents try to change their children’s everyday lives cautiously and gradually, the lives of the Clements family changed drastically within a year. First, Jackie called the agencies she had worked with six years ago – all of them were very pleased to see the beautiful twins again. Then, Jackie hired a professional photographer to create a good portfolio for the girls and started the Instagram account @clementtwins.

Девочки участвуют в фотосессиях каждую неделю несколько раз. Клементсвинс в инстаграме.

As of the end of November 2018, one year after its creation, the girls’ Instagram account had over 830 thousand followers. Every other post turned into an advertisement (because the girls are indeed beautiful and pose well), and the parents launched several more platforms to promote their children. This led to the creation of a blog, where Jackie shares her experience of being the manager of her own children in the modeling business, and a YouTube channel featuring Ava and Leah. Now, the girls are professional models. Clements Twins on Instagram. “It took me about 7 or 8 months to understand why people call the modeling business crazy,” says the girls’ mother. Besides the good moments, such as meeting interesting people and the support of those they work with.

Как восстановилась судьба сестёра, которого в мире называли стойкими красивыми близняшками

Yet, Jackie complains that she has to drive the girls from the suburbs to Los Angeles several times a week, and the round trip takes about 6 hours in total. While the girls do their homework or watch a movie in the car, these trips exhaust her. Moreover, Jackie acknowledges that with the income, expenses also grew – gasoline, photographers, stylists, support for internet accounts and websites… But the most significant issue is the high number of scammers in the modeling business. In her blog, Jackie even provides a list of elements that need to be carefully studied before signing a contract with anyone.

Как восстановилась судьба сестёра, которого в мире называли стойкими красивыми близняшками

As a mother, she is also puzzled by how such cuties, who are only 7 years old, receive so many silly and outright negative comments under their photos on the Internet. Jackie even highlights three common complaints: 1. They look very sad; 2. Are they wearing makeup?! 3. Let them be kids! The girls signed a contract with Barbie. Clements Twins on Instagram. Somehow, Jackie is convinced that “in the future, the girls will decide for themselves what they want,” and that “it was not my decision, but theirs.” Meanwhile, the older brother of the girls also “signed” contracts with the same agencies as the twins. The girls’ mother claims that the twins themselves decided to become models.

Как восстановилась судьба сестёра, которого в мире называли стойкими красивыми близняшками

Милые близняшки из Америки. Клементсвинс в инстаграме.

У девочек контракты с двумя агентствами. Клементсвинс в инстаграме.

Близняшки Клементс. Клементсвинс в инстаграме.

Сестры, за год ставшие профессиональными моделями. Клементсвинс в инстаграме.

The girls have contracts with two agencies.

Как восстановилась судьба сестёра, которого в мире называли стойкими красивыми близняшками

Как восстановилась судьба сестёра, которого в мире называли стойкими красивыми близняшками

The twins with their older brother.

Как восстановилась судьба сестёра, которого в мире называли стойкими красивыми близняшками

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