Humorous shows are always in high demand and have high ratings. This is natural because living without jokes is too dull. In life, there is already enough negativity, and such shows help distract from it. The show” has become so popular that it was decided to launch its children’s version. Any child could become the hero of the program. The essence was to make at least one jury member smile or laugh within 1 minute.

The host of the show i, and the jury members are and . As the hostess explains, she always takes the side of the children and tries to catch the slightest smile from the judges so that the child can continue participating in the show. In the case o, there was no need to do that.
Laughter from the jury members could be heard throughout the studio. The boy is only 6 years old, and he came from. They came up with jokes as a family, but it’s not enough to just compose them. You need to tell a joke in a way that is funny.

Thanks to Yegor’s acting, his amazing manner, that evening the entire film crew, including the audience and judges, laughed heartily!
The boy is still a little comedian but with great potential! We invite you to watch performance right now and lift your mood.