I always watch this video when I want to take a sip of positivity and distract myself from problems! I enjoy it. Incomparable. A very beautiful song, a very heartfelt video, and an amazing performance! I haven’t seen or heard such beauty in a long time…
We rarely come across such songs… I watched the video and immediately flooded with memories… Remembering my youth… How we sat in the evening on a bench near the house,
and my dress with polka dots, sewn by my mom… Ah, how I miss those times. Thank you for the warmth of the song; it touched my soul! What a pure and beautiful voice, all against the backdrop of beautiful nature!!!

I got lost in the song, absorbed in the video… wanted to keep watching! Thank you! I really want to drink water from a spring!
Magnificent video! It touches the soul! Nature is indescribable!! Love and kindness to all! You can always find more useful articles, interesting videos, and tests on our website.