11-year-old albino twins amaze the world


In the fashion world, there are completely new standards of beauty, emphasizing unique and distinctive features. The Bavarian sisters serve as exemplary figures in this regard. At just 11 years old, they have gained significant popularity. The girls live in Brazil, and despite their parents being of African descent, the sisters look nothing like them. With fair skin, white hair, and blue eyes, they are albinos. Their distinctive feature led them to be invited to a photo project.

The photographer behind the project explains, “The goal of my work is to demonstrate beauty in all its forms to expand possibilities.” In addition to Lara and Mara, there is an older daughter, Sheila, with a darker complexion.

Sheila and her sisters participated in the photo project, becoming quite popular. They have collaborated with brands such as Nike, Insanis, and Bazaar Kids. Lara and Mara embrace their appearance, never feeling dissatisfied with it. They exude confidence. The sisters have their Instagram account with over 6,000 followers, a number that continues to grow each day.

The girls believe in providing more information about albinism and promoting the integration of people with this condition into society. Through social media, they aim to achieve precisely that.

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