In the last years of his life, Michael Jackson’s appearance became the subject of much more discussion than his profession. Witnesses recall how Michael Jackson looked without his artificial nose. People wondered, speculated, and imagined what Jackson would have looked like if he had not undergone so many surgeries. The story of his nose typically constitutes a separate chapter. Rumors circulated that he was so embarrassed by it that he assembled a large team of cosmetic surgeons to take care of it. When Jackson passed away in 2009, doctors were reportedly shocked by his appearance after his body was brought to the hospital.
An eyewitness told a reporter for Rolling Stone magazine for a substantial sum that Jackson did not intentionally have his nose done and that it was just awful to look at. The anonymous source explained that all that could be seen were remnants of cartilage and a small black hole. It’s also worth noting that Jackson himself never admitted to undergoing cosmetic surgery, despite having undergone numerous apparent procedures.