Often, when we buy bananas at the supermarket, we realize how quickly this fruit tends to spoil and turn black within a few days. However, there is a specific method of preservation that will help us keep bananas intact for about two years.
Following a varied and healthy diet is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. In fact, our body is a perfect machine, but to function properly, it needs to be adequately nourished. When it comes to eating well, one cannot fail to mention the importance of consuming the right amount of fruits and vegetables every day. Bananas are also among the most popular fruits.
In fact, they are perfect for adding to a delicious pie, energizing smoothies, or even eating on their own. Regarding nutritional properties, it is known that bananas contain a lot of potassium, as well as a moderate amount of vitamin A, B vitamins, and vitamin C.
However, we have all faced a problem when buying bananas: after a few days, this fruit starts to turn black and rot. We have certainly tried everything to prevent this from happening, but in vain. Let’s discover together a particular trick in this regard. Although it involves a series of steps to be carried out carefully, it will help us keep bananas in good condition for two years.
Bananas: How to Preserve Them Keeping bananas for more than a few days without them spoiling seems impossible, but nothing is impossible, especially if you know the right tricks and remedies. To start, obviously, you need to buy the quantity of bananas you want; rub the skin with a toothbrush and a little baking soda; rinse them under running water and then dry them with paper towels.
Continuing, cut off both ends of the fruit and, without removing the peel, cut the bananas into pieces about two fingers thick. Once this is done, just get one or more glass jars of about 700 ml and insert the following ingredients in this precise order: a bay leaf; two garlic cloves or two cloves; two slices of chili (previously cut); a teaspoon of coriander seeds; a teaspoon of dill seeds, and a teaspoon of a mixture of pepper (white pepper, black pepper, green pepper, pink pepper, and allspice).
Then, we can insert the banana pieces (in a jar of the above size, there will be about a dozen) and another two or three slices of chili. Next, add a teaspoon of sugar; a teaspoon and a half of salt; a teaspoon of 70% vinegar, and a little hot water.
How to end the preservation process After placing all the ingredients in the jars, it is necessary to sterilize them. First, equip yourself with a pot filled with hot water and insert a piece of fabric inside to prevent the jars from bursting once inserted. When we have placed all the containers in the pot with their respective lids simply placed on top, we just need to bring it to heat and let it sterilize for about ten minutes.
After the necessary time, all we have to do is dry the jars, seal them tightly to prevent any air from entering, and store them in a cool place for two years.