How to Remove Bleach Stains: A Foolproof Remedy!
Bleach stains on clothing are quite common. This product is generally used to whiten and disinfect laundry, but sometimes you don’t achieve the desired results. In fact, faded streaks are often created on fabrics, which are the classic bleach stains, and the causes can be numerous. Want to know how to remove bleach stains from your clothes? Here is an effective remedy.
How to Remove Bleach Stains: A Foolproof Remedy!
Why do bleach stains form on your clothes? When doing laundry, you must pay special attention to the use of bleach. This product is useful for removing dirt and whitening clothes perfectly, but on the other hand, it can also cause the formation of quite noticeable faded stains. Stains are usually created when bleach reacts chemically with specific materials. If you use bleach on fabrics that are not very resistant to this product, it is certainly easier for stains and streaks to form on the garment.
Depending on the duration of bleach’s action on the fabric, more or less significant stains of various sizes can develop. Generally, bleach stains are white or slightly yellow and are quite permanent on fabrics. It is indeed very difficult to eliminate them completely with traditional methods. Fortunately, there are alternative remedies that allow you to remove bleach stains in no time.
The most effective remedy Since it is difficult to remove bleach stains on fabrics with traditional washing methods, you should definitely try this alternative remedy. All you have to do is take vodka or gin. Here’s how you can do it:
- Prepare everything you need, then get a piece of clean cotton to absorb it and a small amount of vodka or gin.
- Before using the product on the entire garment, test only a small part of the fabric to check that it works.
- Dip the cotton ball into vodka or gin.
- Gently blot the areas where the fabric is stained, without rubbing too hard.
- Repeat the procedure, and if necessary, replace the cotton piece with another clean one.
- Wash the garment thoroughly, and you will get a perfect result.
In general, we recommend taking immediate action on bleach stains, as it will certainly be easier to remove them when they are still fresh. It is also advisable to avoid using very hot water during stain removal operations. Use bleach very carefully to avoid damaging your clothes.