Eliminate cockroaches, flies, and mosquitoes with this kitchen ingredient mixture


Eliminate cockroaches, flies, and mosquitoes with this kitchen ingredient mixture.

As the weather gets warmer, one of the drawbacks is certainly the presence of numerous insects. In particular, there are cockroaches, flies, and various types of mosquitoes that can make our lives really complicated. That said, it is not always necessary to resort to chemicals, but rather to natural remedies. Let’s take a closer look.

Eliminate cockroaches, flies, and mosquitoes while avoiding chemicals Why would it be better to avoid chemicals to repel insects? Because many of them prove to be particularly aggressive. This means that they could harm animals, plants, and humans. It’s no coincidence that, in most cases, it is recommended to keep children and pets away and ventilate the rooms. For safety, we recommend using natural solutions and non-harmful remedies. That said, it is clear that summer is one of the most challenging periods in this regard: many insects come out of hibernation and try to gather food for the winter. Keep an eye on hiding places and early warnings: swift action can be decisive.

Natural solutions to eliminate cockroaches and other insects So, what can be done to resolve this unfortunate situation? There is a very effective and 100% natural method that will be very useful. It involves the use of coffee and cloves. But let’s take a closer look. First, we need to put a few tablespoons of rice in a cup and start spreading it so that we can then place the cloves on top. At this stage, we add a cup of coffee, of course, powdered coffee, and we have to proceed with a clever little trick. Detach a wick from a candle, which is the part that is usually lit with fire, and insert it into the coffee powder, trying to hold it.

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In this case, it may be helpful to use a spoon to make a small bowl—obviously, don’t be afraid to use your fingers to make all this happen. At this point, we can proceed by lighting the wick, and we will immediately notice how the aroma begins to spread throughout the environment. We place one or more “decorated” containers in crucial areas of the house: in front of windows and doors, i.e., all access points for insects. In fact, we will have made a kind of 100% natural citronella, and above all, it is very simple and useful, at almost no cost! Try it and let us know what you think.

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