Regardless of our profession, we all deserve respect, and we should not think that we are better or worse than others because of our profession.
Someone who doesn’t think so is a woman named Siobhan O’Dwyer, who harshly criticized airline staff for not addressing her as “Doctor.”
Siobhan O’Dwyer is a teacher and she didn’t like Qantas Airways staff addressing her as “Madam” instead of “Doctor”, even though that was what was written on her ticket.
After flying with the airline, Siobhan wrote the following on Twitter:
“Hello @Qantas, my name is Dr. O’Dwyer. My ticket says Dr. O’Dwyer. Don’t look at the ticket and then at me and think it’s a mistake to then call me Mrs. O’Dwyer.
I didn’t spend eight years at university to be called Mrs O’Dwyer.
Dr. O’Dwyer, who is currently working in the UK, received the award at Exeter Medical School and made sure everyone knew her qualifications.
After the remark was made on social media, it received a lot of criticism.
In response to the woman’s comments, Qantas Airways wrote: “We are very proud of our crew, who serve our customers respectfully every day and play an important role in their safety.”
After the negative comments, the woman once again vented her anger on Twitter: “This wasn’t about my ego.
It was about highlighting one of the thousands of sexisms women suffer every day. It’s not about the title, it’s about the fact that if I were a man this wouldn’t have happened.”
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