Just for exhaustion, insomnia, and constant worry, raising a child is not an easy task.
It can be challenging to constantly monitor your own behavior and how you react in every situation, but as parents, we learn that it’s essential because our children mimic everything they see us do.
You might think this happens when kids are learning to walk and talk, but the video you’re about to see shows that it starts much earlier.
The boy you’re about to see is only 19 months old and is already imitating his father’s actions and gestures.
Fortunately, someone captured this priceless performance, which immediately went viral on Facebook. When you see it, you’ll understand why because you can’t remain indifferent to it.
Levi Marlow from North Carolina is only 19 months old, but he’s already showing signs of his desire to follow in his father’s footsteps.
His father is Pastor Ryan Marlow, and based on his son’s performance, he is clearly passionate when he speaks to his congregation.
The adorable Levi may not be able to say much yet, but he has the gestures and the passion of his father to a tee.
He’s clearly doing what his father does: his own baby sermon in baby language has the congregation in fits of laughter.
His father posted the recording on YouTube with the comment: “Levi walked up on stage before the service began and started doing what he usually sees his father do: preach. He’s only 19 months old and speaks only in baby language. This time, it seems like he had something important to say!”
Thousands of people watched his “sermon” on YouTube, which was uploaded after the video went viral on Facebook.
None of us could understand a word of what this adorable boy is saying, but the passion with which he delivers his special speech is so endearing.
Watch this hilarious little one deliver his very first sermon in the clip below. It’s priceless.
[Link to the video: https://youtu.be/Usgn-rLGAOk]
Parents, be warned, kids really do copy everything we do!
Share this adorable video with all your friends who are parents and help them cherish the precious moments our children give us.