The sailors caught the shark and rushed to release it because the shark’s head resembled another animal.


The Italian sailors pulled the nets out of the water and brought the shark onto the deck.

But shortly afterwards, most of the crew were pushing to put the creature back in the water: the shark’s head appeared to come from another animal.

Near the small island of Elba, fishermen managed to catch an unusual creature.

The shark was caught almost at the pier, which surprised the sailors – predators usually stay further from the shore. Externally, the creature resembled a disproportionately fat shark.

Its snout resembled a pig’s head, prompting fishermen to release their prey.

Many were of the opinion that it was a strange mutant.

The sailors managed to take some photos and showed them to the local aquarium staff. This quickly recognized the situation.

It turned out that the fishermen had not caught a mutant, but an extremely rare fish.

“This is an Oxynotus centrina. It is unclear how it ended up in shallow water, as centrines usually spend their entire lives at depths of 700-800 meters,” explained Mario Bertolucci, an aquarium employee.

The common centrine is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species. The fishermen were lucky enough to be able to release their prey back into the sea.


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