We never think about it, but the seeds of the fruits we eat have an essential role, they allow the birth of new plants and of course fruits. For example, the next time you buy an avocado, think carefully before throwing the pit in the trash. By reading this article, you will know all the steps that will allow you to have a beautiful avocado plant at home from the pit . For this you need 3 toothpicks, a glass of water and of course a stone
- The avocado pit is large and it can be easily removed from the flesh.
- First, remove the stone from the fruit without damaging it and wash it in lukewarm water to remove flesh residue and eliminate possible microbes.
- Attention! the stone has a “top” and a “bottom”, recognizable by its position in the fruit
- Position the three toothpicks in the core (as shown) and fill the glass with water: the bottom part of the core should be covered with water
- You can transfer the pit into soil when you see one or more white roots coming from the bottom of the pit.
The avocado pit is large and it can be easily removed from the flesh.

First, remove the stone from the fruit without damaging it and wash it in lukewarm water to remove flesh residue and eliminate possible microbes.

Dry the core well, taking care not to remove the outer brown layer.
Attention! the stone has a “top” and a “bottom”, recognizable by its position in the fruit

The tip of the pit, from which the plant will sprout, is towards the tip of the avocado. The flatter end of the stone is the one at the base of the fruit itself.
Position the three toothpicks in the core (as shown) and fill the glass with water: the bottom part of the core should be covered with water

The tip of the core should be facing up. Now wait and take care of your future avocado plant. In particular, you should change the water in the glass 1-2 times a week to give the roots enough oxygen. Germination will take place after 3-6 weeks: to speed up the process, keep the core in a warm place in the house.
You can transfer the pit into soil when you see one or more white roots coming from the bottom of the pit.

However, it is not guaranteed that the plant will bear fruit: it may be necessary to transplant it with another avocado tree. In any case, even without the fruits, the avocado plant looks very beautiful in a home: it has a tall stem and large green leaves. In addition, the germination of the stones can be a very interesting process to follow with a child : remember that gardening develops the patience of children, they learn to know how to wait for the fruits