The desperate rescue of a horse named Prince, who, while out walking, fell into a deep chasm with no escape route.

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Even during the most peaceful and carefree walks, dangerous and problematic events can unfortunately occur. An elderly horse named Prince knows this well, since he found himself in a particularly shocking situation a few days ago. His peaceful morning outing in the green English countryside where he lives has turned into a real nightmare. The rescue carried out to help the unfortunate animal kept the community in suspense for almost two hours, particularly worrying the Prince’s owner, Helen Tempest.

Cavallo Prince saved

At the Calder Farm Equestrian animal shelter in Sands Lane, Yorkshire (a historic county in England, once the largest in the United Kingdom), Prince, a splendid 27-year-old horse, is spending his “retirement” in peace. and serenity. Free to wander whenever he wants and graze on the green grass of the hill where he lives, last Saturday morning Prince was walking in the meadow around his house when he suddenly disappeared from sight.

Falling into an open chasm in the ground probably due to a stream or resulting from a landslide in an old mine, Prince was found a short time later stuck up to his neck in the deep ditch. The woman who has looked after the horse for many years, Helen Tempest, immediately contacted emergency services, calling West Yorkshire Fire Brigade (WYFRS). While waiting for help to arrive, Hélène lay down next to her Prince; even though she could barely reach the horse’s ears with her hand, Helene stroked the animal and spoke to it continually. This is how the emergency services found her when they arrived at the scene of the accident. The situation immediately appears particularly serious. Due to the slippery terrain and the position in which the horse was found, it was not possible to carry out a rescue as happened in similar situations for some cows which had been lifted by passing a belt under The belly.

From the photos of the rescue, shared on Facebook by the rescue team themselves (on the @West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service page), it is possible to see the solution that was found for Prince. Rescue workers dug a path in the ground all around the horse, using an excavator supplied by neighboring Chappelow Sports Turf of Sands Lane. Meanwhile, on the advice of the veterinarian, Prince was sedated: to the state of emotional stress he was in and the fear of being trapped, he was about to add the terror of the noise of the shovel and the crowd of human beings moving above. he. at his head. With his eyes covered and cotton in his ears, still half asleep, Prince was pulled from the hole with a rope tied around his neck. The elderly quadruped managed to get up immediately, despite general dizziness and numb legs. After receiving a visit from the veterinarian, who declared him out of danger, Prince was able to return to his usual life, fortunately without suffering any injuries. Today the horse is recovering from the scare he experienced, also thanks to the loving care of Helen who thanked the whole community and in particular the rescue team for their quick and fantastic intervention. (by Elisabetta Guglielmi)

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