Autistic boy sang a Michael Jackson classic and cried at the jury’s reaction

There are many talent competitions that offer a wide range of services. Some of them can leave the audience speechless for a long time. That’s exactly what happened with 10-year-old Colum Courtney’s performance.

The boy suffers from autism and therefore has great difficulties with communication and friendship. Thanks to his performance, however, he managed to get along well with the audience.
He doesn’t care if one person listens to him or a hundred. And he will continue to sing, because he really likes it.
After the boy went on stage, the jury asked him if he was nervous. Colum looked really excited, but calmly replied that he wasn’t.

During the performance, Colum’s family and some of his friends were in the room to support him. Everyone reacted with great emotion at the start of the show.
At this point, the child can no longer contain himself and bursts into tears. His little brother immediately came to his aid and ran onto the stage to hug the singer.
Everyone was very touched by this event.

Special judge Simon Cowell was also pleased with his comments.
He noted that Colum not only has a unique voice, but also a very soulful performance. He also added that he really likes the sound of his voice and the way he owns it.
At the end, Simon told the boy that his performance was very good and that he really enjoyed it.

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