A five-year-old boy carries his little sister’s coffin to say goodbye forever


A five-year-old boy took care of his little sister like the apple of his eye and felt responsible for her. He never missed an opportunity to kiss her and everyone agreed that their friendship was sincere. Unfortunately, things will soon take a dramatic turn.

The loss of a loved one is not a trivial event. It often changes people in unexpected ways. Tragedy and mourning often leave an indelible mark and an enormous void is created deep within the person. To live is to be able to face moments of joy, but also moments of sadness. Trials and tribulations make us stronger. But to continue on the path, it’s good to know when to hold on and when to let go. Read on to find out more. This couple, from Western Australia, welcomed parenthood with open arms. Their children were treasures to them. As their children grew older, the desire to have another child became evident. A wish that they quickly realized.

There was joy and happiness and everyone was happy about the birth. The little girl was a lively child who slept and ate well, and her development was a joy to watch. Her big brother had fallen madly in love with her. One thing is certain, Winifred completed the family perfectly. Perfection was not there, and it did not take long for the life of the little family to be turned upside down. In May 2018, Winifred became ill and started vomiting. The parents initially thought it was gastroenteritis, but the girl’s temperature began to rise alarmingly, forcing the parents to contact a doctor. She had actually noticed a hard bump on her daughter’s stomach, on the right side. She decided to go to a general practitioner who, with the help of her colleagues, found that the child’s liver was swollen.

After Laurence went to see his wife in hospital, Winifred underwent further tests, including scans. They were given a room in the oncology ward. A few hours later, the Collards learned that their little girl had neuroblastoma. The situation became even more complicated when the baby underwent a stem cell transplant.  She had been kept in solitary confinement for four weeks. During this period, she had no contact with her older brothers.
Luckily, Winifred was reunited with her brothers on Christmas Day 2018, and everyone was happy to spend the holidays with family. But the euphoria was short-lived. Despite the treatments, the little girl did not improve. The Collards were constantly worried.
Winifred’s condition became critical in March 2019. She felt unhappy, lost weight and was always in a bad mood. Doctors told the Collards it was due to immunotherapy. But Meagan wasn’t convinced. The doctor had given Meagan no hope, saying he could only ease the girl’s pain. Laurence had returned just in time to kiss his little daughter for the last time. At 9:14 p.m., little Winifred took her last breath. This painful moment is forever etched in the couple’s minds. The loss of Winifred changed the Collard family in many ways. The couple said they no longer take things for granted and live each day to the fullest. Most importantly, Meagan realized how little awareness, funding and support there is for childhood cancer.

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