13-year-old boy sold his most valuable property and took a job to buy his mother an Xbox car

An American teenager has become a hero in the newspapers for an act the whole world admires. William, 13, worked long hours as a handyman and mowing lawns in his native Nevada to help his mother buy a car.

His mother raises him alone with her two other children. But it was impossible to get a car. It was then that the teenager decided to sacrifice his Xbox. His Xbox was his most prized possession. And without hesitation, he decided to give it away.

So, the 13-year-old gave his mother a used Toyota Metro, which became the most expensive gift of his life. It all started when the boy saw a video on the Internet of people giving their mother a car.
So without hesitation, the boy offered his Xbox as an extra.

The car owner didn’t hesitate for long. Especially when he knew who the money was for and how he was keeping it, he agreed to the deal.
The teen’s Nevada act was voted the most touching of the spring by tabloids around the world and qualified him to participate in the annual “People Who Surprised the World” competition.

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