Veteran Unable to Pay for Groceries Turns Around to Hear Customer Say “It’s Our Turn”


Difficult times can happen to anyone, and in these difficult times, the love and support of others can make all the difference. This is especially true for brave souls who selflessly serve their country.

Vietnam veteran Larry Robson knew all too well the challenges of life’s ups and downs. He was struggling to make ends meet and didn’t know where to turn for help. That’s when fate intervened and he crossed paths with the Fox 5 Surprise Squad in a Las Vegas grocery store.

Larry was in dire financial straits, but he still accompanied his friend Stephanie, a disabled veteran, to the store. Stephanie voiced her concerns to a Fox 5 reporter, explaining that she was down to her last $50 and didn’t know how she was going to get by. As a touching gesture, the surprise team generously offered to pay for Stephanie’s groceries.

Dave Hall, the reporter in charge of the surprise department, then noticed Larry standing quietly behind Stephanie. Larry, a friend of Stephanie’s husband, founded the Blanket Bones Club many years ago. The club’s mission was to donate blankets to homeless veterans who were struggling on the streets after serving in the military.

Larry’s motivation was very touching. He founded the club after three of his fellow veterans tragically froze to death. His goal was to ensure that no veterans suffered the same fate.

Larry explained that Stephanie’s husband was a truck driver and was often away from home. So he kept her company and helped her deal with the challenges she faced due to her disability.

Dave Hall was determined that Larry would not leave the store until the Surprise Squad had also secured his groceries. Larry was initially going to buy dish soap and candy, but Dave insisted, “You served us.” Now it’s our turn to serve you.

Larry was overcome with emotion when he was allowed to choose what he wanted from the store. Her total bill was $278 and tears filled her eyes as Dave and the team paid the bill.

“It’s just breathtaking. I’ve been taking care of myself since I was 13,” Larry said.

Larry’s touching encounter with the Surprise Squad reminds us that acts of kindness can make a significant difference in someone’s life. Larry’s dedication to helping his fellow veterans and the team’s generosity are a testament to the power of compassion and support in our communities.

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