This is really strange… farmers make huge holes in their cows. Here because.


Farmers make these huge holes in their cows. Which is the reason? Strange but useful world wide web.The date is November 16, 2023. Organic farming and sustainable agricultural practices are the norm today. More and more farms are becoming sustainable businesses.

But what exactly is sustainable agriculture? It essentially uses approaches and processes that promote environmental protection while producing an organic harvest.We recently discovered this unusual practice on US organic farms, where organic dairy farmers make these huge holes in their animals.

Many of you have probably seen it, but we’re   sure  not everyone knows what it is or why it’s there: the perforations that expose the cow’s stomach.It looks quite strange and is not pleasant to see. However, this can help prolong the lifespan of a cow and cows seem to be influenced by this.This is a highly successful sustainable farming method that has been used for some time. This is called a fistula and helps scientists test the cow’s digestive process.

Scientists use this fistula after the cows have been fed to monitor how the food develops. To accomplish this, scientists physically reach out to the cow and feel the consistency of digestion.The cows are not fazed by the process, which, strangely, benefits the animal. If such a cow becomes ill, the treatment is administered directly to the stomach.So, do you agree with this method of sustainable agriculture? Or do you think it harms the cows? Let us know in the comments section.


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