The video with the son and the mother spread across the internet… At first, they were holding hands, but suddenly…


Many people experience sleep disturbances at some point in their lives, but what really matters is how they deal with it.

In such moments, some people turn to reading, others relax with music, while still others resort to medication.

But a woman and her son have found a much more effective approach to coping with insomnia that brings joy to millions of people.

When Lance started walking, his mother Lucy began to dance with him, and she certainly passed on her dancing talent to him.

When Megan Traynor’s son started playing “Dear Husband,” Lance, now married and a father of two, was ready to hug his mother and dance with her.

The rest of the family filmed this delightful moment as they danced harmoniously together and Lance’s daughter cheered them on from the sidelines.

They are not only good dancers, but they also have very funny facial expressions.

“This is our solution for insomnia in Louisiana,” Lucy adds as she turns to the camera in the middle of the song.

The video was shared by thousands and within minutes of being posted on the internet, it was viewed by millions.

It’s obvious that Lucy looks forward to dancing with her son, and Lance is equally excited to dance with her.

At the end of the dance, Lucy says something that moves the whole family to tears, and Lance bursts out laughing. The two of them have so much fun together!


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