Since the day we were born, every single one of us has had something special and beautiful inside of us. Some children develop tempers from an early age, while others are calmer. However, everyone has a unique perspective.
The fact that we all have the same physical qualities and that, for the most part, we have learned to appreciate and cherish our uniqueness is one of the nicest aspects about being human.
Nicole Hall worries that Winry’s exclusive perspective may cause her problems in life as she ages. Her objective is to spread awareness about congenital melanocytic nevi.

Congenital Melanocytic Nevi (CMN): What Is It?
Congenital melanocytic nevi are moles that may appear from birth or develop within the first few months of life.
They are rather widespread and typically have no harmful consequences on health. But they might be dangerous. The moles may need to be removed in some situations, even though the majority of CMN patients never require treatment. Usually, this is done to reduce the risk of skin cancer or improve look.
The world will be a great place as long as we can live in harmony despite our differences. If our differences separate us as a species, we want separation.
Winry was different from the other newborns when she was born. They had initially believed it was a bruise until they finally realized it was a congenital melanocytic nevus.

I initially assumed it was a bruise when they originally brought her to me. My partner and I quickly realized that it wasn’t a bruise at that point. Nicole Hall, the child’s mother, said, “I thought it looked a lot like a mole.”
After conducting a research on her, Harper Price of Phoenix Children’s Hospital and Heather Etchevers of Marseille Medical Genetics discovered that she has a condition that results in numerous black and brown patches showing up all over her body.
Any mole, especially one that size on her face, carries the risk of turning into the skin cancer melanoma, as we previously mentioned. Despite the slight risk, Nicole always makes sure to wear a hat when they are outside. Along with giving Winry sunscreen, she observes all necessary safety precautions.
“Our first concern is for her well-being. She must be shielded from the sun. When wearing hats and other similar accessories, I take extra precautions. Nicole forecasts that as we get older, our regular dermatology appointments will surely become our best friends.
The fact that Winry will be bullied by rude classmates who will point, stare, and yell at her is known to her parents. They are therefore committed to assisting in the spread of knowledge regarding her sickness.

Nicole likes to talk about her birthmark because many people are viewing them for the first time. “This is a good topic for parents with their kids to see kids have differences, or for those parents who do have a kid that looks like Winry or has any kind of birthmark to have their child represented,” said Winry’s parents.
Winry’s parents hope she embraces her appearance while she is still a young girl so she may learn to deal with it later in life. She is a young girl who is in excellent health and is content.
She simply radiates happiness. She almost never stops laughing or yelling. Her mother gushed, “She’s the happiest baby I’ve ever seen.”
Parents of children with CMN have already joined Nicole in her efforts to raise awareness of her daughter’s illness through social media, particularly TikTok.
They are aware of their friendship.
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