“His reaction was priceless!”: The future wife planned a touching tribute for her deaf fiancé


What this bride prepared for her deaf husband will touch everyone 🤩😍

Naturally, one of the most special and wonderful days in our lives is the wedding day. It becomes a symbol of the beginning of a new life, carefully planned and organized by both sides. Therefore, we want everything to be done right and do everything possible not to miss or spoil anything. Of course, special attention is focused on the newlyweds by all the guests. Today’s couple will move each of you.

Meet Liz and Scott. Unfortunately, Scott has special needs as he is deaf and communicates with his wife using sign language.

Liz prepared something special for her future husband, and what she did then will absolutely amaze everyone. She stopped at the end of the aisle instead of joining the man at the altar. Everything was planned, and it was not a mistake at all.

Texts came in, and she signed the words for her husband. She rehearsed it for a relatively long time, and now she made her future husband cry. Then she joined him at the altar, and he applauded his beloved partner.

Her surprise made him cry, and he knew for sure that he made the right decision and chose the right one for the rest of his life. People there saw pure happiness in their eyes.

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