Don’t even touch them if you notice them on your plants (and you DEFINITELY will, I promise). My neighbor had no idea and thank God I told her.


**Do you still know where to find me? In my garden. I love gardening.**

There’s something incredibly rewarding about caring for plants, watching them grow, and seeing your hard work pay off. But let’s be honest: it can also be pretty hard.

One of the biggest challenges is dealing with pests. Sometimes you don’t even know which pests are helpful and which ones can ruin all your hard work.

I recently came across a photograph circulating on social media that perfectly illustrates this confusion.
When I first saw it, I was shocked. The photo showed a bed sheet covered in tiny, intricate black geometric shapes.

At first glance, it looked like the leaf was affected by some kind of strange grating or maybe even a strange disease. Many people, including myself, wondered what it could be.

After doing some research, I discovered that these strange patterns are actually the eggs of the mourning cloak butterfly (Nymphalis antiopa). If you don’t know this species, let me tell you about it.Nymphalis Antiopa is a fascinating insect with a unique life cycle and interesting habits.
First, let’s talk about the eggs. The photo I saw was a close-up of these eggs on a leaf. It almost looks like delicate black lace spread across the entire surface.

It’s actually pretty cool once you get over the initial shock. The eggs are laid in clusters and each little egg is a perfect geometric wonder. When I first saw it I thought, “This could be very good or very bad for my garden.”

The good news is that the Mourning Cloak Butterfly is very helpful. The caterpillars feed on leaves, but they generally prefer trees and shrubs like willows, elms, and poplars. So if you have a garden full of flowers and vegetables, you’re probably safe.

In fact, these butterflies can be very helpful, as they also eat rotting fruit and help in the decomposition process.
Watching the life cycle of these butterflies is truly fascinating. After these strange and complicated eggs hatch, caterpillars emerge.

They are black with small white spots and have spiny, spiky bodies. They go through several stages called molts, during which they shed their skin and grow larger and larger.
Once adult, the caterpillars look for a safe place to pupate. They spin a doll that resembles a sleeping bag into which they transform.

This phase can last from a few weeks to several months depending on the weather and season. When they finally hatch, they are magnificent butterflies dressed in a mourning coat, with dark, velvety wings decorated with a bright yellow border and blue spots.

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