Normally, twins look very similar. But today we want to tell you about two girls who, contrary to what is generally expected, were born with completely different appearances despite being twins.


In 1997 something extraordinary happened in Great Britain.

In a hospital, twin girls are born to their loving parents, Donna and Vinson. They named the girls Lucy and Mary. But when their mother saw them for the first time, she couldn’t believe they were twins because the babies had different skin colors.


Lucy was born with blue eyes and blonde hair. Mary, on the other hand, had beautiful dark skin and brown eyes. This made the twins very special, as it is not very common for twins to have such different appearances. It is really rare!

Overall, they are just like any other sisters. They sometimes argue, but they also make up, like most siblings do. They have their own unique personalities and particular ways of doing things.

Here’s an example: Lucy, who has fair skin, likes to wear dark colors, even in her makeup. On the other hand, Mary, who has dark skin, prefers to wear lighter, more natural tones. They have different tastes in fashion and makeup.

Although they are different in many ways, the girls share one thing: they both have curly hair. But Lucy doesn’t like her curly hair very much, so she often tries to straighten it.

Maria is quite different from her sister. She likes to be the center of attention, has lots of friends and is very good at talking to people. On the other hand, Lucy is a bit quieter and likes to spend time alone.

However, the girls admitted that they are the closest people to each other and cannot even imagine their lives if they had not been born twins.

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