In a gentle and hesitant tone, a kind-hearted grandmother dialed the number for St. Joseph’s Hospital and humbly asked, “May I speak to someone who can give me updates on a patient?”
The considerate operator replied, “Certainly, my dear. Could you please be so kind as to provide me with the patient’s name and room number?”
In her frail and trembling voice, the grandmother uttered, “Norma Findlay, room 302.”
The operator reassured her, saying, “Please wait a moment while I check with her nurse.” After a brief pause, the operator returned to the call with good news. “Oh, I have good news. Norma is doing exceptionally well, according to her nurse. Her blood pressure is stable, and recent blood tests show normal results. Dr. Cohen, her physician, has scheduled her discharge for Tuesday.”
Overwhelmed with relief, the grandmother expressed her gratitude, saying, “Thank you so much. That’s wonderful news. I was terribly worried! God bless you for sharing this positive update.”
The operator responded, “You’re more than welcome. Is Norma your daughter?”
With a hint of resignation, the grandmother replied, “No, I am Norma Findlay in room 302. It seems like no one is keeping me informed about anything.”